Friday, March 22, 2013

Spartacus: War of the Damned- The Dead and the Dying

Airing Date: April 5, 2013

For the time is ticking to the countdown of the series finale of Spartacus: War of the Damned, in what will be happening in the next episode, any idea? We would not see Spartacus in next week for they will have another break which will resume on April 5, 2013. "The Dead and the Dying" is the ninth episode of Spartacus: War of the Damned. It is the thirty-eighth episode of the Spartacus series overall. In if you miss some of the previous episode you can watch here at where you can see and watch for free and I hope you will not miss this series for you will witness the Slaves will became victory against to the Romans.

Now worries Agron and Naevia is still kicking which we can see both of them in the next episode. This will be the set-up we all known that Caesar was captured by Spartacus group and they will execute him in their hand which at the first season when they are still in prison they are in the arena fighting just to be alive in now it will change for Roman will be in the arena in protect their life which I just saw on the preview where Tiberius Licinius Crassus is in the scene which he was afraid but I don't know what will happen next but for sure their will be an victory and sacrifice will arrive.

In Historically, Crassus never had a son named Tiberius. Crassus had two sons, Marcus and Publius. It is likely that Tiberius is the show's version of Marcus, and has his name as Tiberius in order to avoid confusion with his father who bares the same name.

Spartacus: War of the Damned- The Dead and the Dying”- We'll this will be good side in the Rebels for Crassus find out a not-so-noble Roman is taking commendation for destructive the rebel forces, while Spartacus endeavor to secured a negotiation chip to use against his conquerors. What will be happen is their will surely a negotiation or the fight will be in the sight!

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Spartacus: War of the Damned 3x09 Promo "The Dead and the Dying"


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